1st paragraph of article 31 of Kırklareli University Associate Degree and Undergraduate Education Regulations regarding graduation, diploma, diploma supplement and certificate procedures: “Kayıtlı olduğu öğretim programının ders, uygulama, staj gibi tüm gereklerini bu Yönetmelik hükümlerine göre başarıyla tamamlayan ve GANO’su 2,00 veya daha yüksek olan öğrenciler diploma almaya hak kazanırlar.”
The graduation procedures of our students who are entitled to graduate as a result of the 2022-2023 Academic Year Fall semester final, make-up and single course exams have been completed as of 16/02/2023 and their Graduation Certificate can be accessed on the e-devlet website.
NOTE: In order to complete the graduation procedures, it is necessary to fill in the relevant information by logging into the Mezun Bilgi Sistemi (https://obs.klu.edu.tr/oibs/kariyer/). The graduation process will be completed when SAVE is done after the information entries.